It is time to say goodbye to the holidays.

Did they seem to last a long time, or is it just me? Don’t get me wrong, I like many of the festivities that go along with this time of year, parties to attend and family gatherings included. Though I must admit, it can all be a bit much as well. Worrying about gift giving, the juggling of parties and all that drinking and eating can breed anxiety and stress! I was thrilled when I, along with my boyfriend and parents, decided not to exchange gifts this year. My friends and coworkers called me scrooge, I called it a sigh of relief, one less stress during an already hectic time. Despite our no gift rule, Michael and I made the most of all our holiday activities. We had a great time spending the day with my family, including my parents dog Eva.

I had two great holiday nights with some of my favorite ladies.

I even got to enjoy snow in Indiana with Michael’s family.

Lots of great memories indeed! So here we are, pushing into the second week of January. Michael put away our small, fake, Christmas tree while I was at work today and it was the first thing I noticed upon arriving home. Later, while walking to a friends house, I looked up at the lights still cascading down The Washington Monument knowing that they too would soon be put to rest for the year. The time seems right and if you are like me, the end of the holidays just means a countdown until the warm weather begins. It does appear we still have a few more holiday items to put away, these guys just look so happy hanging out on our mantel.

How are you feeling as the holidays wind down? Happy, sad, relieved, still holding on to that Christmas tree?